2 Pozita: Arkitektë
Arkitekët të cilët kanë vullnet dhe interesim të avansojnë tutje, duke ju bashkangjitur ekipit tonë.
Njohja e ARCHICAD-it në nivel profesional është e domosdoshme, njohja e softuerëve për vizualizim është përparësi.
Puna në archiEDU përfshin involvimin në faza dhe procese diversive të projektimit BIM - nga koncepti e deri në realizimin e projekteve në rrafshin vendor dhe ndërkombëtar.
Dërgo CV dhe portfolion me jo më shumë se 20MB në info@archiedu.com më së largu deri më 22.03.2021.
për pozitën:
BIM Consultants are product experts showcasing, training and supporting GRAPHISOFT’s products. The Training and Certification Team - based at GRAPHISOFT's headquarters in Budapest - delivers services and BIM know-how to end users, prospects and sales channel partners all over the world..
Lead or participate in consulting projects in the area of BIM implementation
Provide trainings for channel partners and end users
Support GRAPHISOFT’s and other Nemetschek Group solutions and channel structured market feedback for internal audiences
Develop materials including trainings, whitepapers and online knowledge articles
Assist the sales channel in pre-sales conversations
Demonstrate the solutions on conferences and user events
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering (specialized on building structures)
5+ years of experience using BIM methodology and software for structural analysis and modelling (SCIA, ETABS, RISA, Axis, FEM Design, etc.)
Solid understanding of the building design process and project delivery
Excellent presentation and interpersonal communication skills
Professional working proficiency in English, both verbally and in writing
This job requires ability to travel to worldwide destinations
Desired Skills:
Working knowledge of other BIM authoring tools
Work experience as a BIM manager or project manager
Experience in teaching and training
This position is an excellent opportunity for someone who is passionate about learning and helping others; enjoys working at a proud tech company; and loves to be connected with like-minded people around the globe.
If you think this description fits you, come and join us in our company headquarters located at the well-known Graphisoft Park!